Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 3

On Saturday, I caught part of Lauren Ruth Ward's talk with Holy Wars. Then I switched over to catch Ariel Beesley on Instagram. She played outside her home on a ukulele. Occasionally, she rushed off to get her dog. She also talked about her songwriting process and stories behind the songs. She even sang a very raw song that isn't ready for prime time. It was very personal type moment that you won't usually get in a concert setting.

A couple hours later, I went over to Pancakes and Whiskey to catch Lauren Ruth Ward. It is always a pleasure to catch a Lauren Ruth Ward set be it in person, online -- or even just running into her when she's out supporting the Los Angeles music scene. I hung around to HNRY FLWR who was playing from New York -- Temple of the Void.

Lauren Ruth Ward


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