Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus Diary: April 19

There doesn't really seem to be much interesting happening in life other than the mundane. I went out for an hour walk on Saturday morning. That seems very similar to what I've been doing on a daily basis. I did skip a couple days in the middle of the week. Lucky for me, it was driven by the fact that I was busy working from home. That honestly isn't something to complain about these days considering all those who are finding themselves unemployed. Though I will say that I find it hard to keep motivated to do my work. For me, there's just something about going to the office vs always being at home.

I live by some hills in Glendale. I used to climb up them, but stopped when I started to wear a mask while walking. A couple weeks back, I went walking up a hill in a mask and nearly fainted by the time I got to the top. I decided to not do that any longer until I can exercise without a mask. I noticed a Facebook comment from an old summer camp friend who also said she had difficulties exercising with a mask on. It does bring a whole new dimension to exercising.

What I continue to do is jaywalk across the four lane boulevards that cross Glendale. I just don't want to touch those "Walk" buttons. I just keep an eye out to see if any Glendale police are driving around and then just go for it.

There were some scary moments on Tuesday night (4/14). It seemed like throughout the night, ambulance sirens were heard constantly throughout the night. A friend asked if maybe it was just police sirens. I replied back that this would have been even more scary if the police were having to turn their sirens on so often throughout the night.

A couple new things I'm doing is re-arranging my apartment and tossing things into the garbage bin. After having to create a small office space, I tossed everything that was in that area onto the floor of my bedroom. Well, I finally got into properly re-arranging some of the stuff (most of it) in an organized manner. It only took 4 weeks. On Saturday, I went through my closet and started to look through everything. I tossed a number of things. I didn't go through the full close, just 1/3 of it. I'll go through the rest eventually. 

In terms of going through my DVR library, I watched the movie "Wonder." I found it very enjoyable, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think it was a totally unrealistic view point of someone living with disfigurement. Of course, the message of the movie is to treat everyone with respect and love and to look beyond appearances.

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