Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coronavirus Diary: April 15

Easter Sunday was spent doing a very long walk in Glendale. Maybe I was a little too aware, but I swear I heard some serious coughing coming from two apartments/condos and from a parked car. I'm not talking an occasional "my throat has a scratch," but really long worrisome coughs. Other than that, it was a nice walk with a lot of jaywalking across Broadway and Colorado (two major streets in Glendale). There weren't that many vehicles on the road so it made it rather safe to run across four lanes of roads. I did it, because I have this issue with pressing the "Walk" buttons these days.

I went through the movies that are on my DVR and checked out the British alien movie, "Attack the Block." I really enjoyed it though I honestly couldn't understand the accents half the time. It is a movie from 2011. These street punks rob a young nurse. As they're robbing her, a space meteor slams into a car. One of the punks checks it out. Out comes an alien. The movie then turns into an amusing tale of the young punks (eventually joined by the nurse), fighting off aliens that have invaded their block. The lead actor is John Boyega before he went on to the 3 recent Star Wars movies.  Nick Frost of Shaun of the Dead and Into the Badlands also has a nice part.

I turned on the radio briefly to KFI AM 640. There was a quick discussion about a Los Angeles Domino's that had to shut down, because workers tested positive for COVID-19. I previously wrote about my desire to support some of the local mom and pop restaurants that I used to hit up. That story on the radio really had me re-think that desire.

My fears of restaurants hasn't stopped me from going grocery shopping. I went out right after my long walk to two local grocery stores near my neighborhood. I checked out a grocery store that I always walk pass, but have never gone inside. I also went to another store that I have gone to before. I will stick to my original grocery store. The first store just seemed too tight for me, making it really difficult to keep any social distancing. Also, when I went to check out, someone stood within a foot of me, which really freaked me out. My original store is a little larger, which makes it easier to keep some distance from the other customers.

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