Friday, April 3, 2020

Quick Hit Band Interview: Oozelles

Oozelles at The Satellite (photo taken for Buzzbands)
Interview with the band (with Dante White Aliano). Enjoy:

How would I describe our sound? Reluctantly. There are no existing genres I'm comfortable with and I'm tired of making up cute sounding genres for my bands. We like to leave it open to whatever influences come up and right now our sound seems to be going in a darker direction, which could change without any notice. Most of us listen to an eclectic blend 60s and 70s music from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean which we got into after wearing out our punk, death rock, garage, post punk, proto punk and 60s soul records. We also love the weirder, less characteristic "filler" efforts of more well-known artists. The answer will usually depend on who I'm talking to. I'm not going to tell my grandfather or a cop that we sound like Mahmoud Ahmed meets the Scientists or Dur Dur Band meets Scratch Acid.

What’s the favorite part of your set? My favorite part of the set is usually when we're playing new songs, but our song Refill The Swamp is consistently enjoyable for me.

Final thoughts: Most of us have either played together in multiple projects and/or been friends for a very long time. Even though there are 6 of us, we write nearly everything together and it almost never feels like too many cooks. It's the most collaborative band I've ever been in. We record every practice in my recording studio and every practice at least one new idea will come to us from some unknown source. I feel extremely lucky to be a part of it.

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