Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus Diary: April 9th 2020

One thing I've been doing during this period of self-isolation is going out for a walk during the lunch hour. I've probably been doing one or two miles during these walks. I've actually run into people I know during these walks. Once, I ran into a young family that I know. We said hello from 6 feet away from each other. Than I ran into Kat from Holy Wars. That wasn't unexpected as we live about half a mile away from each other. Keeping about an 8 foot distance, we chatted about some random topics such as the local grocery stores that we visit as both of us are hesitant to go to Trader Joe's and Vons that are near our neighborhood. One thing about our neighborhood in Glendale is the fact that there are a number of locally run Armenian and Mexican mom and pop grocery stores. A lot of times when I'm in these stores, there are only 2 to 4 other shoppers around. Sure, the selection isn't the same as it would be at Trader Joe's or Vons, but I am willing to adjust my diet. I've bought a lot of dry goods such as lentils. I've told friends that once this is over, I will never eat lentils again. I figure it might be another 3 or 4 weeks before I head back to a Trader Joe's. My theory: the less people there are around, the less likely you cross paths with someone who has COVID-19.

I usually walk in my specific neighborhood of houses/apartments, but I decided to venture out recently onto Glendale Blvd to see what the city of Glendale was looking like. I'm usually at work so I don't know how busy this boulevard is during the work week, but there was a nice flow of vehicles. There really weren't a number of cars waiting at the stoplights; however, so maybe there really wasn't that much traffic. I can't help but wonder, "Where are these people going to or coming from? Are they going to work at the local Vons or Trader Joe's? Are they going grocery shopping? Are they breaking self-isolation and heading to see a friend?"

What do people think about eating out versus cooking your own food? I've been cooking my own food for a very long time. The last time I actually went to get food at a restaurant was in late February. I was talking to some friends and was saying how I felt a touch guilty for not supporting some of the small restaurants, food trucks and food stalls that I visit. One of those food stall, which is now operating out of their kitchen versus Highland Park, is Cena Vegan. Based on their Instagram photo, it looks like they are taking the virus seriously and are attempting to protect the cooks and those ordering from them. Also, I am seeing photos/videos of restaurants providing food to the local hospitals. If doctors and nurses are eating food provided by restaurants, why am I so concerned? Maybe I am being too paranoid and will start to patronize my local food spots. Of course, Los Angeles is saying the next 2 weeks are key so maybe I'll wait for 2 weeks to past (technically, I suppose, the next 1.5 weeks).

On the television front: I saw the movie The Commuter staring Liam Neeson. Oh mercy, what a mess. It started off well. I figured it would be about some deep state conspiracy or sci-fi intrigue, but then it ended being some rather boring outcome.

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