Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Cape Weather

Cape Weather at The Echo

Interview with the band (via Natalie). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how you band started? Eric and I became friends in college and have played music together on and off for years. I'd been previously focusing on solo projects, and the last solo record I made was a challenging experience for me. On more than one occasion, I called Eric from the studio to vent, and one day he suggested we write some songs together. The whole band thing blossomed naturally after that.

What’s your favorite band song and what makes it the favorite? I love all the band songs in one way or another, and the favorite seems to change, but I've really been enjoying 'Never Say' recently. The idea of feeling awkward and anxious at a party is something I can really relate to, so it was fun to put that down on paper in a more lighthearted way.

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