Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Satellite: Crimson Apple and Jane N The Jungle

I wasn't even planning on going out on a recent Monday night, which was highly unusual since Monday nights are my nights out. Then I just happened to hop on Instagram and click on the search option. A photo caught my eye and I selected it. It happened to be a photo of Crimson Apple. I saw that they were playing that night at The Satellite. I also noticed that they were originally living in Hawaii. I was like, "Hey, I'm going to catch this band."

Crimson Apple is an all sister band. Interestingly, this is the second all sister band I've come across this year. The first was Stonefield, which had a Bootleg residency.

This band has pop sounds, but could actually fit perfectly well on the Sunset Strip.

Strange side note: one of their publicity photos has me thinking one of the sisters has a fascination with Arya/Game of Thrones.

Regarding personalities, I could be totally wrong, but each sister seems to bring distinctly different personalities to the band. The lead singer provides the charisma. The drummer brings the fun. The guitarist brings the dynamic extrovert movements. The bassist brings a touch of distance.

Crimson Apple

Jane N The Jungle followed. This band is from Phoenix. For some reason, I feel like more bands from Phoenix are spending time in Los Angeles. Though Crimson Apple had pop sounds coursing thought their veins, Jane N The Jungle definitely was all about rock music. From the black leather jacket to the hair style, it screamed rock. It was screaming rock. (In fact, their song "Little Blue" talks about leather jackets.)

Jane N The Jungle

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