Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bootleg Theater: Family of the Year, Cillie Barnes and Zach Tabori

When Cillie Barnes said she was having a special guest joining her first residency night at the Bootleg Theater, part of me was thinking it would be Family of the Year as she used to be in the band. And it was!

Their Americana sound is like honey to me. I believe four of the ten songs of their set list came from their current album "Goodbye Sunshine, Hello Nightime." Folks might just find themselves wanting to jump in joy during various songs from that album. Of course, they ended their set with a couple classics from their music library. "Hero" was demanded and sung. They also played a song that I actually am not sure I've ever heard "Psyche or Like Scope." It was one of their first song and showed a totally different side to Family of the Year. It had a dance style to it that seems so different from their current style. It was a fun song that made one realize also how the band has evolved from versus when they first started out.

Family of the Year

Opening up the night was Zach Tabori who was in total contrast to Family of the Year and Cillie Barnes. He was the total showman -- his band, as well. His band had one member in a bathrobe. The drummer had an over-the-top style and Zach was dressed in a party suit. It was blast of music to start off the night.

Zach Tabori

Closing out the night and starting her residency was Cillie Barnes. What was enjoyable for those who have been addicted to the Los Angeles music scene for a number of years was her final song where Z Berg (The Like) and Joseph (Family of the Year) shared the stage with Cillie Barnes. Los Angeles music royalty were sharing the stage.

Cillie Barnes

Interesting note: all members of the band for Cillie Barnes was dressed in white. Even Joseph changed shirts to join in the theme. I believe he found the shirt lying around the Bootleg somewhere.

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