Friday, August 31, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: SWIMM

SWIMM at the Teragram Ballroom
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? I’m never too good at this one so I took what Alison Green from LiveFast magazine wrote about our recently released album... “Dreamy and distinctly danceable sound, a haunting and genre-bending blur of shoegazey psych pop laced with funk and falsetto, a swirling mixture of ethereal tones tinged with an edgy recklessness that is impossible not to get swept up in.” - Alison Green

How do you believe the band/artist has progressed over time? We’ve gotten better at being on time although I’m writing this while on the way to a gig we’re late for.

Own Q&A: Who do I make this 3 million dollar check out to? Adam Winn, thank you.

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