Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Sara Hallie Richardson

Sara Hallie Richardson at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? At the root, my sound is folk-based with soaring melodies and intricate harmonies. From there, I intertwine electronic and orchestral instrumentation.

What motivates you to write your music? What motivates me most to write music is the imperative need to feel. So much of our world teaches us to fear emotion and vulnerability, but I believe we can only begin to heal when we are given permission to feel. If I can write music that moves someone, or holds a space for them to feel ok with vulnerability, than I will continue to write music forever and ever.

Own thoughts: I am a singer, songwriter, and producer from Maine and living in LA for the last couple of years has been a REAL wild ride for this east coast gal.

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