Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 37

The only online set I caught last week was The Paranoyds. Hey, honestly, if I could only catch one online set during the week -- this band would be one I'd circle to fill that spot. I've loved this band since the first time I caught them at The Factory. Their pop-punk tunes just grab your attention.

Their set was on the Dr. Martens' Instagram page and was at 1 p.m. So I caught the set while doing the work-from-home situation. They looked in good cheer and sped through a quick 15 minute set. All the band members were in place so the full band sound was on display.

If I had known it was just 15 minutes, I would have stopped working. Instead, I let their music be my motivation to get through what I needed to do at that moment.

The Paranoyds

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