Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Lindsay B

Lindsay B at Sun Space

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What do you currently find inspiring when it comes to music? I’m inspired most by the things that don’t work out for me, the wrongs I can’t make right, and drunk texts.

What’s your favorite song (own) and what makes it the favorite? My favorite song that I’ve written is from my first EP called “Nobody’s Waiting.” I’ve only played it live once in the last 3 years. I wrote it after calling up an ex and putting my heart on the line for him. He rejected me, I spiraled and wrote this song. It’s easily the most confessional song I’ve ever written, and I consistently use it as a standard for other songs I write, a reminder to be allow myself to be vulnerable.

Own final thoughts: I have a new record coming out in the spring of 2020 called “I Should’ve Stayed Home”. Stay tuned!

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