Saturday, August 15, 2020

Quick Hit Artist Interview: The Little Miss

The Little Miss at Harvard & Stone

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? I would describe our sound as modern rock with an old time-y Americana influence. Sort of Florence + The Machine meets Johnny Cash.

How do you go about combining lyrics and sound? It all comes together at once for me (at least most of the time). I usually start out by trying to get to the bottom of how I feel. It can take some time, but I try to find the most honest and raw initial lyric, and then I add on from there. It's really exciting when the melody comes out at the same time as the lyrics, because it feels like the true FEELING of it is all there. The words and the sound are unified - a single entity - as one in the same.

Own Q&A. Hmm. I guess I'd want to be asked about what I hope to accomplish with my music? And the answer is this: It sounds cliché, but I hope to make people feel less alone. That's what music has always done for me. I think that's what it does for everyone - we hear ourselves in someone else, and it takes away the shame or isolation that comes with feeling alone in our emotions. Not only that, but I want to shine a light on the impact of some of our social conditioning. My music wrestles with what it means to be living under a capitalistic, patriarchal society. I want people to see their own self-loathing, or their own perfectionism, procrastination, etc. in my lyrics and to know that we're all working through this stuff together - hopefully towards a more free, equitable and fulfilling version of society.

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