Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 35

The Gooms got to take over Culture Collide's Instagram Live on a recent Tuesday afternoon. They played outside the drummer's apartment complex. That led to an interesting couple encounters. As they were playing one song the upstairs neighbor asked them to quiet down, because she was working from home. The encounter apparently caught the attention of a couple people who were walking pass. Once the song ended, the folks on the sidewalk gave the band some compliments that contrasted with the upstairs neighborhood. Both encounters were just heard and not shown on Instagram.

The band did their best to accommodate the upstairs neighbor. The drummer stopped playing his drum and instead tapped the side of the apartment wall. 

I have to check my records, but I think I've seen this band more than any other in this online world. They have such a playful style to their music.

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