Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Disco Shrine

Disco Shrine at High Tide
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

Your song Power is about being strong during times of doubt. Are you interested in providing an example of one of those moments in life? Yeah, I think as an artist you're constantly doubting yourself and your worth and if you're making the difference you want to make with your art. I definitely struggled with that this year, but instead of turning my back, I just dived deeper into music and ended up reassuring myself and finding my confidence again through the music I was writing.

You've released 2 singles in short order: Alright and Power. What's your song writing process been like for those two songs? They were so different. Alright was written a long time ago remotely, because UNBLOOM [co-writer] lived in Canada. So we never met in person as we were writing the song together. Power was more organic. We met up in Magdalena Bay's [co-writer] home studio in Mid Dity and just talked and shared about music and our lives and ended up with this song.

2019 is coming to an end. Anything you'd like to share about plans you have for 2020? Yes. Music, music, and more music. Going all out next year and plan on sharing a lot of the new music I've been working on.

Editor note: this was posted first on Instagram back in 2019 so the final question is a touch dated.

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