Saturday, July 4, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 25

It was Grant Owen's birthday celebration on WFNM's Instagram Live.

Opening up the night was Revenge Wife. That would be Elizabeth from Holy Child. She was playing from North Carolina. This really has me wondering. I've watched a number of online sets via WFNM. More than a handful are musicians who were living in Los Angeles, but have now returned to their home states/cities. Will these individuals ever return to Los Angeles, especially considering that local music venues probably aren't going to re-open until sometime in 2021. And by sometime in 2021, I doubt that means January 2021. It might take years for the Los Angeles music scene to return to where it was pre-COVID-19.

Revenge Wife
But for now, let me not be so negative. Her set was spent plucking her ukulele strings in rapid fashion or playing her Casio keyboard that she was able to purchase via Patreon donations. One song she played was so new that she didn't have the lyrics memorized and sang them from a notebook. It was a casual set where she played her set on her couch along with her keyboard. And at times, one could hear the crickets in the North Carolina night.

Her vocals can take you into unexpected directions. My thoughts during the set were, "Jess Joy and Revenge Wife should really team up for a duet."

Janelle Kroll was a folk rocking in shades. She made the most of her limited stage. Some of her set was spent sitting on her couch. Other parts of the set had her kneeling on the floor, inches from her phone. I think she must rock during a live set at a venue -- got to add at a venue there.

Janelle Kroll

Chaz Cardigan had that cheerful rock music going. He did a call out to all those who joined the set early. I got a call out.

Chaz Cardigan

Alt Bloom, like Revenge Wife, was playing out of state. He was playing his set from Montana. He was playing out on the patio of his house. His backyard was stunning. Trees and grass. Just lovely. And his vocals were great. It would have been awesome to be out there in that backyard listening to his music and taking photos.

Alt Bloom

Closing out the night was a favorite, BIIANCO. Transcendent electronic music and interpretive dancing. Some of those dance moves had me thinking of "I Dream of Jeannie" '60s moves. Like Alt Bloom, she played her set in her backyard. But this backyard was in Los Angeles.



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