Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Kat Myers

Kat Myers at Harvard & Stone
Interview with the artist. Hope you enjoy:

What is currently inspiring your music? Over the past year, I experienced a lot of very big changes in my life. Lately, a lot of my songs have been about navigating those changes and trying not to lose my mind :). I do try to use humor in my songs, even if the subject matter is dark. Finding humor in difficult situations has always helped me.

What’s a dream venue/festival you’d love to play at and what about it intrigues you? Oh man, that’s hard! There are so many, but one in particular that I‘d love to play would be Governors Ball in NYC. I lived in NYC for 7 years before moving to LA and a big piece of my heart is still there. I find something really magical about that festival and being surrounded by the city. The island also has a history of being used for asylums so it has an interesting energy. I dig :)

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