Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Satellite: MACKandgold and Cuesta Loeb

Sometimes you randomly come across a really fun performance by chance. That was the case with MACKandgold. She was up first at The Satellite. Her set was filled with so much joy. There was this mischievous smile that always crossed her face. A solid crowd was also out for her early set, which increased the level of enthusiasm. Her music has some nice soul grooves. And her songs take their time to reveal themselves to the listener.


Cuesta Loeb closed the night out for me. The last time I saw her was about two years back at The Satellite. It was a welcome reunion. Admittedly, two years had passed since I last saw Cuesta Loeb, but I swear that her sound this time around featured more rock beats than previous. I could be wrong there. Either way, I loved the set.

Cuesta Loeb

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