Sunday, September 22, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Nick Flessa

Nick Flessa at Bootleg Theater
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you know you wanted to be a musician? My desire to play music started when I heard the song “Tubthumping” by Cumbawamba. I was in elementary school. Later, I got a smooth jazz cassette called “Rhythms of the Night” at a Meijer in Eastgate, Ohio. My mom didn’t want me to buy the cassette, because it was sort of “sexy time” music for adults. Anyway, I really liked the sax playing on the cassette, and that eventually motivated me to start playing sax in middle school concert band. I quit in high school, started listening to a lot more music and playing in projects, learning different instruments. I’ve always loved it.

How would you like your music to impact people who listen to your music or see you play live? As a performer I want to amaze and surprise people. I want to challenge assumptions in a way that’s entertaining and engaging. Musically, I want to build worlds that audiences and listeners can travel through. I want to combine seemingly disparate styles, genres and musical personalities in ways that haven’t existed yet. I want to move people while also making them think.

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