Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Lizzy Land

Lizzy Land at Madame Siam

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you know you wanted to be a musician? I've been singing in a hairbrush since I could talk. Safe to say I've always wanted to be a musician, but I didn't truly start until after high school.

What are some of your favorite spots, locations, areas in Los Angeles? What make them your favorites? I'm half introvert, half extrovert. I spend most of my time at home. If I'm out I love to karaoke in Little Tokyo, dance at Club Tee Gee, walk around Highland Park and EAT. Love pasta so I'm a sucker for all the Italian restaurants in the Arts District. I've lived in Hollywood and that was fun, but I like the pace of my neighborhood (Mount Washington) and the surrounding areas so I can write and relax.

Own unique info: I can recite most of The Birdcage.

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