Thursday, April 5, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Pacific Radio

Pacific Radio at Silverlake Lounge
Interview with the band:

How would you describe your sound? The sound we're going for is Party. The more we see people moving around, dancing and gyrating and such in front of us, the more we know we're doing something right.

Is there a specific decision the band has made (good or bad) that it feels other bands/artists can learn from? We're finding that the further we go from our home base, the more we grow as a unit. We played a show in Mexico City a few weeks ago and the people appreciated how far we'd come to play for them. It's good for a band to get on the road.

What's your favorite song to play off the album y'all just released, 'Pretty but Killing Me'? ‘Camaro’ is a saucy, swanky little number that has the grit and determination we all need and thrive from as a band at that point in the set, it feels good all over. But 'Weekend' is a close second because it jumps off the stage right from the start and takes us all for a wild ride.

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