Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Sun Sic

Sun Sic at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist:

How would you describe your sound? Sun Sic is a newly founded Ghost Pop project by Boaz Roberts. It is the sensitive pop cousin of pessimistic June Gloom. In the two new singles "Coward" and "Pink," Roberts couples his background in experimental jazz and San Diegan surf-culture into a wobbly bookend of sun-tans, red eyes, and iced summer daiquiris.

How do you believe you have progressed over time as an artist? I've studied music in classical, band, and jazz settings for the greater part of my life. Music is an ever changing field and a never ending endeavor. I'm pleased to have worked in a wide array of settings and am even more pleased that music, and specifically the guitar, always feels new to me. Staying eager and curious is the key. Curiosity, along with hard work, and the reminders of why you got into music in the first place will lead toward a life of continual study and surprise. That's what I'm interested in.

Own Q&A. I'm always curious as to what sorts of music people make when no one is listening or watching. What would Taylor Swift actually write excluding her audience? I think about this a lot - not specifically T Swift, but many artists that release records I sometimes wonder and think to myself is this actually what you really wanted to release and is this really actually your intention.

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