Friday, April 13, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: October's Child

October's Child at the Bootleg Theater
Interview with the band:

How would you describe your sound? We call our genre "Saudade," which is a Portuguese word that describes the aching nostalgia for another place or time that doesn't exist, a world you can't access but know you belong to.

For the band and its future, how would you define success? Success would be to achieve our highest selves through the creation of our music, channeling an energy and truth greater than our own feeble human minds can comprehend. Raw emotion over technical perfection. Turning sadness into beauty, pain into healing. If you listen to October's Child and feel present, meditative, and spiritually elevated . . . if your anxiety is somewhat soothed . . . if you connect with the lyrics and project your own meaning onto the songs and feel less alone . . . we've succeeded. Also, playing shows around the world in gorgeous old theaters with cinematic visuals and dancing lights and thousands of people in attendance who know and love our songs by heart. That would be cool, too.

Own comments: We (Jordan and Britt) are both October babies, which is where the band name comes from. "October's Child" is derived from a century-old poem written as copy for a Tiffany's jewelry campaign.

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