Sunday, November 14, 2021

New Music Alert: Spelles' "Machete"

I first came across Spelles in 2017 at Echo Park Rising. I remember how lead singer Kathryn used her arms to tell her story. 

In their song "Machete," the lyrics take the lead, "Spilling rivers of blood where light used to be . . . Seven years swimming in the belly of the beast." Against those lyrics, background vocals chant while Kathryn preaches in the desert like Jonah no doubt did after being spit out by the whale. Unlike Jonah who spent a few days in the belly of the beast, Spelles is dealing with seven years of drought. During those seven years, one must definitely steel themselves to deal with that length of adversity. Is there hope even when you steel yourself? Seven years is a long time, but seven years does end.

photo taken at Gold-Diggers

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