Friday, November 26, 2021

Lunar Bloom Music Festival

I got an invitation to check out the inaugural Lunar Bloom music festival a couple Saturdays ago. The festival was put on by Coconut Spaceship and was held at Oracle Tavern. I was intrigued for a few reasons and accepted the invite. First, I recognized a number of the bands / musicians that were on the schedule: Boy Deluxe, Fox Violet, Harry Katz & the Pistachios, Kat Hamilton, Kate Faust, Little Galaxies, Lucy Clearwater and Niantic. So of the 25 band / musician line-up, I had seen 8 of the bands so nearly a third. That was a positive sign. Also, I had heard of Miss Jupiter and had long wanted to catch a set. Second, I'm a real sucker for music festivals that focus on local bands. Third, this was the inaugural festival and there was intrigue in getting to go to the first festival ever put on by Coconut Spaceship. Fourth, I'd never been to Oracle Tavern and figured why not check it out.

The biggest thrill of the festival for me was catching Boy Deluxe. It was quickly moving towards two years since I last saw this band. I was so excited when they hit the stage. I had my arms raised in celebration. 

Boy Deluxe

It was super fun to end the night with Miss Jupiter. I'll be honest, I was exhausted, but it was also a thrill to catch this art based musician. As mentioned, I've wanted to catch a set for a number of years. 

Miss Jupiter

I also enjoyed catching V Torres for the first time. The band put on an awesome set and put the cowboy hat briefly on the microphone.

V Torres

As for Kat Hamilton, I came across her for the first time via an online set. It was nice to finally catch her in-person and notice that she gives some quirky looks. 

Kat Hamilton

For a November festival, the weather was perfect. It did start to cool down as the clock headed towards midnight, but it wasn't too chilly. There were a couple delays that can be expected from an initial festival run. The indoor Lunar Oasis stage fell behind by an hour. That meant the final band (which I didn't stay for, but luckily was able to catch at a venue a week later -- got to love the Los Angeles music scene) went on near 1 a.m. As for the Bloom Station stage, there was a technical problem that delayed things on that end. 

Here's a list of the 15 bands / musicians that I saw:

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