Monday, August 2, 2021

Little Joy: Dutch Honey, The Night Owl Collective, and Satellite Repairmen

A night at Little Joy brought together some diverse music styles. Dutch Honey and The Night Owl Collective brought the rock with some Spanish influence. Satellite Repairmen hooked it up with some free flowing jazz.

Dutch Honey had the guitars playing cool melodies with vocals that shined. Vocal leads were shared by three of the band members.

Dutch Honey

The Night Owl Collective had the coolest one-liners. When it came to their music, "Drink more beer. We sound better when you're drunk." When there was a demand for an encore, the response was, "The next band is up. The next band is up. We can't be dicks. We can't be dicks."

The Night Owl Collective

Satellite Repairmen sent the audience home in a relaxed mood. Their songs were in the 10 plus minute range and just hit the relaxing notes just perfectly.

Satellite Repairment

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