Thursday, August 26, 2021

Zebulon: Walt McClements, Patrick Shiroishi and Barry Johnson

Walt McClements had a recent record release at Zebulon. He uses the accordion as his main musical instrument. He also used a trumpet for a couple songs. I've got to say I grew up not exactly liking the sound that came from the accordion. But after first coming across Sugar Rum Tantrum a few years back and now Walt McClements, I have a much greater appreciation for the accordion. The way he played it brought forth such intriguing sounds. His music had that quality where I pictured his music playing during a philosophically revealing moment in a motion picture. As for the trumpet, he played both the trumpet and accordion at the same time. For some reason, that feels rather like a complex exercise.

Walt McClements

Patrick Shiroishi opened up for Walt McClements. His cousin had died that day and so he dedicated his set to his cousin. The set started with him blowing very softly into his saxophone. It was like a gentle wind was sweeping through the venue. He also did something I've never seen done: he removed the mouthpiece and just blew directly into the barrel of the saxophone. The set, influenced by the loss of his cousin, had a feeling of sadness.

Patrick Shiroishi

Opening the night was Barry Johnson. I only got to catch two of his songs. I did want to catch his full set, but trying to figure out set times at the Zebulon is a bit difficult so I always show up at around 9:30 p.m. I just figured that was when the first set starts, but I was wrong. He must have started around 8:45 p.m. or so. Oh well. What I caught was some well sung tunes.

Barry Johnson

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