Tuesday, August 10, 2021

WFNM: Taylor Felt, Heather Rivas, Slush Puppy, Arden Jones, Hand Made House

Taylor Felt was first up at WFNM this past Thursday. Definitely an artist to keep an eye on. Her vocals are just angelic. She played her set on an acoustic guitar with a backing band that included a violinist. I just love it when a musician includes a violinist in their band. Her song "Once in a Blue Moon" emphasizes those vocals and got her fans screaming out: "T." 

Taylor Felt

Heather Rivas came up next with a guitar and keyboards. There was a mixture of pop and jazz in her music. She mentioned that this was her first time on stage. Even though it was her first time, she knew how to hold that microphone in just a way to make for the perfect imagery.

Heather Rivas

Slush Puppy came up next with a friend yelling out about his "wife beater" shirt. He replied by pointing out, "I like your wife beater shirt, also." I noticed that he recorded a song with Royal & the Serpent. That is definitely a good sign.

Slush Puppy

Arden Jones had his two sisters and girlfriend right up at the front of the stage. One sister lives in San Francisco and had said on social media that she was sad that she wouldn't be able to see her brother play his set. She surprised him by flying down. Now that's a close family. 

Arden Jones

Hand Made House closed it out. That band got the crowd pumped for the after-party. I loved the fact that the lead singer would duck to the back and let the other band members take center stage. They really knew how to play their guitar and bass in an entertaining way. 

Hand Made House

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