Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Bar Lubitsch: Zee Machine, Courtney Paige Nelson, YVR, Goodboy Noah, Joe Daccache

It was a diverse night of WFNM curated music at Bar Lubitsch on a recent Thursday night. Zee Machine started it off by putting on some dance moves for the crowd. His fashion sense was very snazzy with a jacket that stole the show with its black and white graphical designs. He was impressed with seeing five photographers show up for his set.

Zee Machine

Courtney Paige Nelson brought along a stuffed animal along to calm her nerves. She is a former contestant in America's Next Top Model (2016-2017) so she definitely knows what to do when it comes to lowering stress levels. Dealing with stress came in handy when the WFNM staff rushed on stage to deal with some equipment malfunction. Her set was her with a microphone and a friend on guitar. They played the set with backing tracks for some songs and going acoustic on others. I've gotten to see a lot of former American Idol alumni playing across Los Angeles and so it was rather cool to catch someone who was a contestant for America's Next Top Model.

Courtney Paige Nelson

YVR is a band I've seen a couple times before -- at WFNM events. This band is a husband and wife duo with the husband hitting the synths / guitar and the wife singing the music. I'll say this band stole the show on this particular night. The crowd responded with loud cheers throughout their pop set. They definitely showed a high level of confidence in their skills as tune makers.


Goodboy Noah really had a creative way at building his Instagram fanbase. He told everyone who wasn't following him to follow him. Out of those that followed, he told them he'd give away a t-shirt at random. I think he got around 10 new followers. This is something I've seen done at street fares where you show someone that you're following them and then you get a discount off your food or something like that. Got to give him props for doing some creative marketing while being featured by WFNM.

Goodboy Noah

Joe Daccache has crooner level vocals. His vocals soared like few others are able to do (and keeping it all in tune while doing it). He has lung power, as well, as he let his vocals just carry for the longest time. Okay, someone must have taken his vocal lessons seriously. No way someone just does that self-taught, right?

Joe Daccache

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