Saturday, May 4, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Cheer Up Club

Cheer Up Club at El Cit
Interview with the band (with Ethan). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how your band started? Mmm... A bit of sadness, boredom, education, persistence. Good friends and a mutual love of lots of music and playing loud.

How do you go about combining lyrics and sound? A. Generally, we meet up to rehearse and end up fucking around for the first hour or so. I usually have a notebook on me that gets filled up by snippets of conversation, random thoughts, fun stories, words from books, the news, etc. We jam and I moan out some melody, flip through a notebook and find a line that fits the music, mood, and melody. We go on from there. It's pretty organic.

Own final thoughts: We're all producers and all from pretty different places, backgrounds, cultures. 

Currently, finishing up mixes on the first album Get Physical. We have a few singles out on Spotify etc.

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