Thursday, May 2, 2019

Commune at Stories Books & Cafe: Jordan Hawkins and GMNII

Hanging out at Commune is always a fun, relaxing evening. There's time to spend talking with various local music musicians and fans. And then there are the artists who tell stories behind the music or band. On this particular night, Jordan Hawkins and GMNII took to the stage.

Jordan Hawkins' most interesting story behind one of his songs was how he had a chance to study in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, this meant leaving behind the individual he was dating at the time. Though not stated specifically, one would assume the relationship did not last due to the opportunity that presented itself to him.

Jordan Hawkins

GMNII's stories revolved around how they (Gigi and Emma) formed GMNII. They mentioned that the band name came about because the two of them started to write songs during the period of Gemini. Also, they talked about how they met. They met during a Play Like a Girl event at The Echo (Play Like a Girl helps put on Commune). Gigi mentioned how a friend of hers took her to The Echo. Emma was up on stage singing with a group. Gigi just knew that she had to be part of a band that included Emma. And so it happened. Randomness.



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