Monday, April 8, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: El Mañana

El Mañana at Sunstock Solar Festival
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing your music? Currently, listening to a lot of tropicalia music from the late 60s, mainly Jorge Ben Jor and Caetano Veloso— so that’s been influencing many of the core rhythms in our music as we progress.

Do you have a favorite music-themed movie, tv show or book? I recently loved a documentary on the making of Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds. That Brian Wilson came from such a pop background and was able to create something deeply artful and forward-thinking is immensely inspiring. Another fave would be Control, the film about Ian Curtis/Joy Division. I think I tend to resonate most with stories about artists whose music expressed some inner turmoil they couldn’t otherwise make sense of, though I’m aware there’s a danger there of perpetuating unhealthy stereotypes about how creatives should treat their mental health. I try to think of those stories as cautionary examples.

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