Friday, April 26, 2019

Harvard & Stone: Jesika von Rabbit with Sirens in the Night

Way back in 2011, I happened to catch Jesika von Rabbit's band called Gram Rabbit. Then I failed to catch the band again. Based on my Internet search, that band hasn't broken up, but she mainly performs under Jesika von Rabbit now. (I also happened to catch Annie Hardy of Giant Drag fame this year. I also hadn't seen her since 2011. It is strange how those things work out.)

This particular set has to rank as one of the best sets I've seen this year. Her set was a combination of thrilling stage show and pulsating beats. As for that stage show, she had two dancers join her for parts of the set. There were two different costume changes during the hour long set. I'd say they started out as bikini dancers then changed into showgirls then ended as rabbits. Of course, they ended the show dressed as rabbits. And that sound has a driving electronic beat connected with staccato vocals. Shall we call it desert rock derived from a drug induced weekend in Las Vegas?

Jesika von Rabbit

Sirens in the Night opened the night. This is a side project for some of the musicians in Jail Weddings. Jail Weddings is a band that dropped off my radar for a few years. It was a thrill to catch this side project and their just a touch quirky music.

Sirens in the Night
I guess one can say that this night was dedicated to bands that I've ignored for far too long.

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