Friday, April 12, 2019

El Cid: Lily Waters, Moderns, Uruguay and Strawberry Army

It was off to El Cid to catch 3 bands I'd seen before (Lily Waters, Moderns, Uruguay) and one that was new to me (Strawberry Army)

Things started off with Lily Waters. I just love those deep vocals. And there was that moment of a guitar hug.

Lily Waters

Moderns has those electronic beats. And those eyes that always seem to be staring off in the distance. It was a special night for Moderns as Rosie (lead singer) had her father in the audience for the first time ever.


Uruguay has those singer-songwriter jams. And there is always a quick laugh. They mentioned that they won't be playing in Los Angeles for awhile and so purposely were playing songs that their friends had requested.

Strawberry Army closed out the night with a fun blend of garage rock and hair flings. You can definitely tell that they're having a blast playing on stage.

Strawberry Army
This was a Wild Riot event and they seem to always pick out awesome bands for their shows.

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