Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I'm up on California Rocker: Jessica Gerhardt

I'm up on California Rocker with an interview with Jessica Gerhardt. I ask her about her favorite Los Angeles spots and she came up with a number of great suggestions. Click on through to read about those spots.

Jessica Gerhardt at The Hi Hat

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Jody

Jody at The Hi Hat
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? We would describe our sounds as a mix of multiple different genres. It’s pretty hard to just nail it down as one sound but we feel we fall under a few styles such as pop, punk/post punk, and garage-y style rock. Usually each song that we work on and write ranges from different energies and emotions so it’s hard to just say “we are pop” or “we are post punk.” Feels like that’d be wrong.

Based on your social media, it looks like you took a hiatus (at least from playing shows). What got you all to come back playing shows? We just decided to take a hiatus but now we are back and excited to be playing again!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Harvard & Stone: Jesika von Rabbit with Sirens in the Night

Way back in 2011, I happened to catch Jesika von Rabbit's band called Gram Rabbit. Then I failed to catch the band again. Based on my Internet search, that band hasn't broken up, but she mainly performs under Jesika von Rabbit now. (I also happened to catch Annie Hardy of Giant Drag fame this year. I also hadn't seen her since 2011. It is strange how those things work out.)

This particular set has to rank as one of the best sets I've seen this year. Her set was a combination of thrilling stage show and pulsating beats. As for that stage show, she had two dancers join her for parts of the set. There were two different costume changes during the hour long set. I'd say they started out as bikini dancers then changed into showgirls then ended as rabbits. Of course, they ended the show dressed as rabbits. And that sound has a driving electronic beat connected with staccato vocals. Shall we call it desert rock derived from a drug induced weekend in Las Vegas?

Jesika von Rabbit

Sirens in the Night opened the night. This is a side project for some of the musicians in Jail Weddings. Jail Weddings is a band that dropped off my radar for a few years. It was a thrill to catch this side project and their just a touch quirky music.

Sirens in the Night
I guess one can say that this night was dedicated to bands that I've ignored for far too long.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Desert of Talking Shadows

Desert of Talking Shadows at the Whisky a Go Go

Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What's the story behind how the band started? Mikey Qubti has been playing guitar locally around the scene for a good number of years now. After a while, Mikey had no projects going on and decided to try singing and being a frontman in a band because a lot of people had suggested it to him. So he tried that and decided he liked singing but wanted to play guitar at the same time since that is his first love. So he then got asked by a good friend of his, Jared James Nichols, to open up for him at an upcoming show at the Viper Room in April of 2018. At this time Mikey had no band, so he quickly assembled a new project for this one special show with Jared. He had been in various bands with a bassist named Jack Thomas for about 4 years so he was the first to join. Along the way they had met Kyle Vellanoweth at some jam sessions in Orange County (where the band originates from) and Mikey called Kyle up to play guitar with him to fill out the strings section and fullness of the band’s sound. And then finally they had then recruited another drummer but unfortunately he wasn’t able to commit to this new project so he recommended another drummer by the name of Detrick Forster. Mikey and Jack had met Detrick once at a recording session but never knew he played drums as well as he did. Mikey called Detrick to jam and they did 4 new songs within 2-3 hours and immediately was in. Once all 4 of them got in a room and rehearsed the sound and chemistry was there. Ever since then, they have been playing nonstop on the world famous Sunset Strip in LA and quickly becoming noticed in the City of Angels as one of the best new young rock bands out there.

What motivates you to write your music? What motivates us to write music is Life. Life and death and everything in between. We only write songs about truth, and true things that happen around us or to us directly. So when you hear a specific pissed off lyric or guitar solo it’s usually directed at a specific person or situation that we’ve gone through or are still going through.

Own Q&A: There’s lots of different questions we think would be funny to answer but keeping it music related I’ll just say some unique or interesting things about the band. Mikey and Detrick are both only 20 years old. Mikey didn’t start singing till March of this year. Jack and Mikey have been playing together for years before this band. Everyone in the band has similar taste such as how all 4 members enjoy Tool, Primus, Fleetwood Mac, and Led Zeppelin.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Mo Dotti

Mo Dotti at The Hi Hat

Interview with the band (with Gina). Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Intricate and raw. Noisy, delicate and dreamy.

What is your favorite lyric (your own) and what about it makes it so special? “It’s a bean and it’s sweet. In the autumn of life. Where’s my mouth? On my face. “

It’s the chorus of my favorite song to play (at the moment). I think it’s about a fleeting pleasure, despite feeling mostly negative and doomed. It is also about not knowing where you stand, or how to feel. It’s not obvious to anyone but it’s how I feel when I sing it.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Sugar Candy Mountain

Sugar Candy Mountain at The Echo
Interview with the band (via Ash). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how your band started? The current Sugar Candy Mountain line up came about because Will played drums with everyone. He was in Sean’s project fpodbpod off and on for years. He met me playing in my solo project almost ten years ago, and he played in Papercuts alongside Jeff. We all really love each other’s playing. I feel very fortunate to be part of this group of musicians.

What’s a dream festival you’d love to play at and what about it intrigues you? Well there’s a few. I’d love to play Gizz Fest in Australia because it seems like the best way to play around that country. I would also love to play Pickathon in Portland, because I’ve been following their line ups for years. Finally, I throw a fest every June called Hickey Fest up in the Mendocino Redwoods- it’s a great weekend that brings our music community together every year, but for me personally, it’s a lot of work. I would love to play a small fest like Hickey Fest without having to run the show too.

Own final thoughts: A Few of Our Favorite Things

1. Maple Syrup

2. Houses that smell good

3. Marfa, TX

4. Running

5. Flossing

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Bogan Via

Bogan Via at El Cid
Interview with the band (with Maddie). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how your band started? Well, seven years ago I was looking to start my own all female folk group, when I got a message from a stranger on Facebook. It was Bret! He had seen some of my videos on Youtube (my own channel where I'd sing covers/originals with a guitar) and he asked me if I had any desire to meet up and collaborate! His taste was a different genre than what I was used to, but we totally hit it off and the rest is history!

What inspires you to write/compose your songs? It is probably different for both of us. I usually feel the most inspired when I am in a lot of pain, haha. I am always so ready to put pen to paper when I'm fighting my emotions and can't seem to expunge them any other way. But I also get inspired by other artists and Bret! He always has amazing ideas that jump start great collaborations. He'll show me a beat or instrumental he's composed and melodies/harmonies will just pour out of me! Bret, is always writing. He gets inspired by EVERYTHING. I call him a sponge because he just absorbs everything and creates art from it. It's fascinating.

Final thoughts: I guess we just wanna plug how much we hope to advocate for animals in our lifetimes. We are both vegans and choose every day to live as compassionately as we can and I think people wanna punch us in the face every time we talk about this, haha, but we love animals and our planet and always try to speak to that. We hate to see the cruelty that humans bring to the world (harming animals and humans alike) and we try to bring aid to that cause every day.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Oak Palace

Oak Palace at El Cid
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your music? Oak Palace is ADHD music ranging from alternative rock to indie folk to electronic dance with some stuff in Spanish.

What’s your favorite gig/set/tour story? Our first tour was last May to Mexico City where we climbed to the top of the closed Angel de la Independencia statue while the guards weren't looking.

Final thoughts: we're a bilingual band with more music in English and Spanish coming soon.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Uruguay

Uruguay at El Cid
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What are some things that are currently inspiring the band? This is for our friend Jay, back home. Timothée Chalamet is killing it right now. His interview with Harry Styles broke the internet. But, also his vulnerability, heart and realness in “Call Me By Your Name” and “Beautiful Boy” are inspiring and much needed right now.

Outside of music, what are some of your other interests? Culture, fashion, benefit causes, sensuality, Ben’s budding rap career (lol, that’s a lie), travel, learning French, and watching “Big Mouth” and “Lock Up: Extended Stay” on Netflix.

Own Q&A: What drives you the most as a musician?

Stepha: I want to be a voice for those that are put in the shadows. I hope I can be a vessel for them to be heard.

Ben: I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself with words, and music has always been a way for me to get out what I am feeling. Also, I live for those moments when random people come up and say how our music has affected them. That connection is priceless.

Friday, April 12, 2019

El Cid: Lily Waters, Moderns, Uruguay and Strawberry Army

It was off to El Cid to catch 3 bands I'd seen before (Lily Waters, Moderns, Uruguay) and one that was new to me (Strawberry Army)

Things started off with Lily Waters. I just love those deep vocals. And there was that moment of a guitar hug.

Lily Waters

Moderns has those electronic beats. And those eyes that always seem to be staring off in the distance. It was a special night for Moderns as Rosie (lead singer) had her father in the audience for the first time ever.


Uruguay has those singer-songwriter jams. And there is always a quick laugh. They mentioned that they won't be playing in Los Angeles for awhile and so purposely were playing songs that their friends had requested.

Strawberry Army closed out the night with a fun blend of garage rock and hair flings. You can definitely tell that they're having a blast playing on stage.

Strawberry Army
This was a Wild Riot event and they seem to always pick out awesome bands for their shows.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: El Mañana

El Mañana at Sunstock Solar Festival
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing your music? Currently, listening to a lot of tropicalia music from the late 60s, mainly Jorge Ben Jor and Caetano Veloso— so that’s been influencing many of the core rhythms in our music as we progress.

Do you have a favorite music-themed movie, tv show or book? I recently loved a documentary on the making of Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds. That Brian Wilson came from such a pop background and was able to create something deeply artful and forward-thinking is immensely inspiring. Another fave would be Control, the film about Ian Curtis/Joy Division. I think I tend to resonate most with stories about artists whose music expressed some inner turmoil they couldn’t otherwise make sense of, though I’m aware there’s a danger there of perpetuating unhealthy stereotypes about how creatives should treat their mental health. I try to think of those stories as cautionary examples.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Good Witch

The Good Witch at The Satellite
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What are your major influences (in terms of music) at the moment? PJ Harvey and Liz Phair are probably my biggest influences of all time, but I was listening to a lot of Lykke Li, Rhye, and Lana del Rey while we were making the new EP.

How do you believe the band has progressed over time? Good Witch existed only in recorded form for a couple years, so the fact that we go out and play live now feels like progress. It feels good to exist in the real world.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Teenage Ritual

Teenage Ritual at The Whisky A Go Go

Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing the band's music? Influenced heavily by Cyndi Lauper, L7, Danzig, and tons of 80's music.

What is your favorite Teenage Ritual lyric and what about it makes it so special? A line from "Born of A Demon"

"The Queen of my heart
Her eyes are glowing red
Never heard a word I said.
Now I'm hypnotized
Her lips starts to curl
For a terrified little girl"

It's important to me because it's about being honest with yourself about whatever is holding you back in life.

Final thoughts: While my band was first getting started in Montana, I was also a member of Jason Newsted's Chophouse jam sessions. I primarily write my music on the guitar-- but Jason is the reason why the bass turned into a thing for me!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Madame Siam: Christina Castle with Reece

I first came across Christina Castle when she was backing Mikey Mike at the Bootleg Theater in 2018. I was impressed by her pure exuberance on stage. I noticed the she was going to do her own thing at Madame Siam (hosted by WFNM). I made a decision I was going to catch her set. I wasn't the only one who was there to catch her set. There was a short line of folks waiting to get into Madame Siam prior to the doors opening. All I heard were folks talking about Christina Castle. Then during her set, screams of "CC" were heard throughout. It was a true love affair evening. And yeah, her power vocals with just an occasional touch of hip hop mixed in had me from the start. I can't wait to see her again.

Christina Castle
Reece opened the night. His vocals were pure and his song "Alone" will definitely touch your heart.
