Saturday, December 4, 2021

Descanso Gardens: Enchanted Forest of Light

Due to someone dropping out, I got an invite to tag along with some friends and head out to Descanso Gardens' Enchanted Forest of Light. Was it enchanting? Well, yes. I'd never gone to this event before. In fact, I think I've only been to Descanso Gardens once before. We hung out for over an hour walking through the gardens starting at around 8 p.m. Luckily, the weather was nice so I was comfortable -- though I did wear a cap that helped keep me warm.

There were plenty of lights. In fact, there were so many lights that in some cases one could take photos of friends without flash. There were spots where kids could have some fun playing with globes and a spot where one could step on lights that would result in a change of color. There were other spots where the lights were kept low and provided a feeling of mystery.

My recommendation: there is one spot where I felt it would be totally awesome if they had dry ice that covered the path with fog. Perhaps that wouldn't pass safety measures. 

I do wonder if Descanso Gardens looks a bit tacky during the daytime: what looks brilliant at night may not look so during the daytime. 

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