Sunday, December 12, 2021

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Kilo Tango


Kilo Tango at Little Joy

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you make the decision to start performing music? I made the decision to start performing music when I dropped out of college. I had a strong desire to write and play music and no interest in school. I felt like my true calling was in music so that’s when I really started to go for it.

What band/artist (past or present) would you most like to open for and why the choice? Mazzy Star. They are one of my all-time favorites and they heavily influenced me in their sound and lyrics. Hope's vocals are soft and vulnerable yet so captivating. It made me more confident in my voice in that I felt mine was similar to hers. Their songs were just so easy for me to relate to and they have that feeling of nostalgia and melancholy that I adore.

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