Thursday, December 16, 2021

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Haiden


Haiden at Bar Lubitsch

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

Is there a story behind when you decided that you wanted to start performing your music live? I always knew that playing live would help me grow my audience and more importantly would give me a chance to connect with them so I was just waiting to have enough songs to fill a set list hahaha. It’s important to me that people aren’t just stats on my phone screen, and the music I make is grounded and human.

Do you have a message or objective behind your music? As of now, I feel like I just have a lot of stories to tell and a perspective on those stories that I haven’t heard fully represented by other artists. I can’t imagine anyone else singing my songs because of how directly they tie into how I see the world and my place in it. At the end of the day though, I think I just wanna feel related to so that I know, and the fans know, that we aren’t alone in feeling this way.

Final thoughts: I think the most unique thing about me is how rooted my personal life is in a logical and analytical state of mind. I’m not a super emotional person so music is the way I let that out. I studied aerospace engineering in school and I think that informed my narrative voice a bit. My lyrics have to be concise, efficient, and really honest otherwise I’m not convinced by the story I’m tryna tell.

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