Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Zebulon: Gretchen Lieberum

I'm always up to just randomly going out to catch a new band or artist. Gretchen Lieberum fit the bill earlier this month. She's a jazz singer who was celebrating the release of her new album "This May Only Be a Dream." It is a album filled with jazz standards. Her set list had her singing the new release from start to back though she left off the last two songs -- which I found interesting. She also sang a song called "Key Largo," which is not on the album. 

My standard outings in the Los Angeles music scene ranges from Americana / folk to pop to punk to the occasional metal, but how was it seeing a jazz performer? One thing I noticed was the very careful manner in which the music was sung. For the song "Lonely Sea," her daughter came up to join in a duo. They spent the song watching each other and making sure their singing aligned as perfectly as possible. For the final song which featured another guest on piano, the pianist carefully counted out the beat before starting the song. Precision in the improvisation of jazz. 

The backing band had a horn section, guitarist, drummer and keyboardist.

It was a great night at Zebulon with chairs set out in front of the stage, but that was hardly enough as there were plenty of folks standing behind those chairs. 

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