Monday, December 20, 2021

New Music Alert: Slugs' "Super Sane"

Slugs has a new song out called "Super Sane." The vocals and music just has one wanting to run with arms outstretched. Maybe twirling in circles every so often. There is just a smoothness to this rock song that makes you reminisce. 

The music video has the two members of the band cycling through the streets of Los Angeles. It is a song about a weird year. The band reads "A Brief History of Time" and "Elle" magazine. Science and fashion. T-shirts with words written across the front that say "I feel fine" to "Show me the rules" are worn. At one moment they're dressed like they're in a motorcycle gang and the next they're 80's pop stars and then denim wearing rockers. Is it a weird year or a year of exploration?  

Lyrics: I've got reasons to be happy and I've got reasons to cry.

Photo taken at the Moroccan Lounge for Buzzbands

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