Monday, June 7, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 99

What drew me to School Night on Wednesday was Alicia Blue. I've gotten to catch her live in the past and always enjoyed her sets. For this online set, her music hit some country notes with a high level of confidence. Then she smoothly transitioned to Lisa Loeb influenced vocals. In the middle of her set, she sang the song "Queen of Echo Park," a tribute to Lauren Ruth Ward. As for the stage, there were lamps placed in strategic locations. It gave the set a country feel. 

Alica Blue

Monjola came on next from Ireland. He played out in the living room of his house. His band played the set sitting on two sofas. He sang the set sitting on the shoulder of one of the sofas or occasionally standing next to the sofa. In front of him was a coffee and corner table. The two tables had 2 computers, wires, synths and speakers atop. Yes, a bit of musical messiness. His music mixed in rap and soul with tweaks to his musical progressions. For one of his songs, it looked like he sped up the video to 1.5x. 


Sofia Valdes came up next from Panama. She did just a single song called "Silhouette." Though it was just one song, I didn't feel cheated as I was able to catch a longer set a few months back on School Night. She did her song just with a guitar and her vocals. Her vocals just blew the online audience away. She mentioned that her mom was cooking in the kitchen. A touch of home live. 

Sofia Valdes

Closing it out was Emily Vu. She played her set in the back yard of a recording studio. She wore an Oklahoma City jersey. Ouch to all Lakers fans. She did a full set with lyrics that got shot out in the smoothest style. 

Emily Vu

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