Friday, June 11, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 100

I find it hard to believe, but this is my 100th Online Quarantine post. Though I have enjoyed watching these online sets over the months, I am feeling eager to see some bands / artists play live sets. It looks like live music is starting to ramp up in Los Angeles. I might be heading out sometime this month of June, but definitely in July.

Meanwhile, I tuned into School Night on Monday night (I definitely can't wait to catch a live night of School Night). Soran opened it up from Montreal, Canada. The band started with some funky jazz beats. One of their songs did a shout out to someone named Emma, "Will I ever lose you?" was sung with adult contemporary passion.

A random thought that came to mind as I watched the band play was that, "I don't even find it strange to see full bands together any longer. In the past, I might be like, what's up with the full band playing together in this COVID-19 era?" 

Felukah's set came in from Egypt. It was just her and backing tracks as well as the smells of incense. Well, maybe we weren't able to smell it, but we could imagine it as whiffs of smoke drifted across the screen throughout the set. She played her set in a room that had bookshelves filled with books and magazine. She sat on a rug and sang her RnB sounds. For her song "Heliocentric," she had the candles out. 

Rebounder closed it out from New York. Their set was played at a venue called Baby's All Right. The stage looked like it was made from a steel beam that was taken from a long ago torn down bridge. The back wall had a disco feel to it. The video of the set had a 1970's hand held film grain to it. As for the sound, there was a rock beat with pop undertones. The vocals had a dreamy quality. Their friend Silver Sphere came in for a cameo, singing the cover "Everything Is Embarrassing" by Sky Ferreira. Her vocals brought an emotional kick to the lyrics, "You're only one step closer to the door . . . maybe if you'd let me be your lover." 

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