Sunday, June 13, 2021

Los Angeles Music Scene: A New Venue - The Goldfish

It appears the Los Angeles music scene has a new music venue called The Goldfish. It also appears to be owned by the folks behind Sticky Rice. It is located at the old The Hi Hat location so one music venue goes away and another comes in. I started to get a little suspicious that something might be going on when The Hi Hat Instagram page got a name change to Slank Blate. I am not sure if the Instagram page got hacked, the owner of the page is deciding what to do with it next or if it got sold off. I'm sure there are other possibilities I'm over-looking. Anyways, I got curious. A few days later, a music friend of mine posted on her Stories about the fact that the building was now called The Goldfish. It all made sense. Doing some Instagram snooping, it would appear that people in the know would have known something was up starting late April.  

Now I have plenty of questions:

1. Did the Sticky Rice owners buy the building? It has been on the market since early 2020. Or is Sticky Rice just renting?

2. How much emphasis will there be on music versus other possibilities.

3. How much space will be dedicated to The Goldfish versus Sticky Rice? This would indicate what the emphasis of the music venue will be -- trying to get touring bands like The Hi Hat or more an emphasis on the local music scene.

4. Did they get a liquor license? Based on plenty of discussions with those who are involved with the music scene, this is a very important license to get for a local music venue to run profitably. 

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