Sunday, June 27, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 102

I'm not sure this has ever happened on at School Night (online or live), but I previously saw all three bands / musicians that were scheduled on this particular Wednesday night. I was excited to watch this one online, because of the three on the schedule.

Up first was X. Ari who I first saw on WFNM Instagram Live. For her WFNM online set, she had some technical difficulties and so I was eager to catch another set. This set was pre-recorded at what looked to be the Resident in the Art District of Los Angeles. She had a pop - rock sound that would fit perfectly on the Sunset Strip. She bounced around that stage like there was a full on party going on. At points, her vocals hit so high that I'm sure the classic breaking of glass was happening. One other thing I noticed was that the drummer was slamming his set like he had waited 15 months to do so. 

X. Ari

Up next was Rituals of Mine. I previous saw them at The Echo where they opened for Y La Bamba. What a contrast, which is why I so remember this band. Y La Bamba has a folk sound while I say Rituals of Mine had a doom punk sound. I will say that for School Night they appeared to take down their sound just a notch. Their set had a mix of hard core punk and poetry, especially as she sang out, "Stay in my lane." I loved how they had brief breaks between songs where their band name popped up on screen that conveyed a Matrix feel. 


Rituals of Mine

Closing it out was BIIANCO. Well, I've seen BIIANCO plenty of times and for years in prior iterations. I just can't get enough of those interpretive dance moves and projected visuals. What I loved about the video? I loved how at times it was just a touch out of focus as the camera worked on regaining focus. I can't wait to see BIIANCO live again.


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