Monday, April 26, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 93

It would appear that my online quarantine sets have been largely restricted to School Night over the past month. Well, got to say the sessions are worth my time. Brooke Annibale opened this past Wednesday night by playing a set in t-shirt and jeans. I always take a look at the surroundings and for Brooke Annibale, her living room had two windows: one with curtains and the other with blinds. She had what looked like a The Beatles' poster on her wall. And candles decorated a table. Her music had folk flair. To end her set, she played a song called "Street Lights" to celebrate an album that she released a decade ago. When she finished the song, she did a camera walk off. 

Brooke Annibale

Brooke Annibale came from Rhode Island. The next band up came to us from Australia, The Sunday Estate. A full 5 member band playing in a studio. Their set had a rock pop sound to it with lyrics such as "I don't want to die." I loved those vocals that were just a touch high and at times those vocals turned into forceful preaching. Being from Australia, the discussion with the School Night host, Chris Douridas, turned to COVID-19. Interesting fact is that Australia just started allowing standing music gigs. Up to recently, they only allowed sitting shows. 

The Sunday Estate

Neil Frances closed out the night. They're a four member band from Los Angeles with some dance vibes. Their first song had me thinking of Eddie Murphy's "Party All the Time" hit. They then slowed it down with a more adult contemporary, jazz vibe. 

Neil Frances

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