Friday, April 16, 2021

New Music Alert: Spare Parts for Broken Hearts' "Dirty Milk"

Spare Parts for Broken Hearts has a new single out called "Dirty Milk." Any proceeds from the record and merchandise will be used to support the release of their record. The music is relentless and without mercy. The vocals are gritty and feel just as prophetic as the lyrics.

The band says the following about the new release: 

The song is about lack, it’s about recourse. It’s about being a kid whose parents are ill-equipped to handle the responsibility of a whole other human turning out secure, so we learn these attachment styles within that dynamic and it sets us up to seek out that repeated pattern in others throughout life. Now we’re adults and we’re still lost, expected to know more than we know and need less than we do. Here we are now in present time, needing more than we’ve ever needed, and the system we are to rely upon and invest in is a hoax. The nuclear family has proved itself the same, it’s all the same. You’re fending for yourself as always and for what seems like forever. “Are you anonymous, are you just like me?” is us asking, do you see me? I’m like you too and I think we’ve been fighting the same battle together for so long, from the same side, against the same thing. Now we unite, what we’re being fed isn’t, and has never been, good enough.”

photo take at The House of Machines

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