Sunday, April 4, 2021

Online Quarantine Sets: Version 89

Kat Hamilton hit The Satellite's Instagram Live for the always enjoyable 6 songs at 6 p.m. sets. She brought an enthusiastic personality. As the set started, I think I heard the sounds of a police helicopter flying over. Her music had a touch of country to it. One of her songs was called "Plastic Folding Chairs." Hey, got to love that song title and it does seem like a song that would align with country music. Vocals were tuneful and thoughtful until just that right moment when she blew out her vocals. Her guitar plucking highlighted her vocal talents. 

I loved how during the day's golden hour that reflections and shadows could be seen bouncing off her backup guitar. 

Of note: one of her songs made it on the TV series called "Almost Family." I never saw it, but I looked it up. It was about a daughter who finds out that her dad was a sperm donor and now she finds out she has a lot of half brothers and sisters.


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