Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Los Angeles Music Scene: Local Venue Odds and Ends News

Spectrum News 1 has an article that discusses the already known fact that music venues need full capacity to start up operations. There was a quote in the article that initially had me concerned:

Likewise for the Hotel Cafe, the famously intimate singer/songwriter venue that played host to early LA performances from the likes of Adele, Damien Rice and Katy Perry among many others. It has nothing on its calendar until the fall, and that’s provided it even survives until then.

The article provided a link and so I took a deep breath as I figured it linked to another article where the owner or manager of Hotel Café was saying they were close to shutting down. The link went directly to the Hotel Café website, which had me breathing a sigh of relief. I am sure Hotel Café is struggling just like Zebulon and the Moroccan Lounge, but at least there wasn't specific new news about their situation.

I was doing my random searches for news items about the Los Angeles music scene -- that's how I came across that Spectrum News 1 article -- and for some reason decided to see if there was any news coming out of The Hi Hat. Well, there is, it appears they've allowed their website domain name registration to expire. That's not good news. That bit of info along with the fact that the property is up for sale does not add up to good news.

Though venues are allowed to open up on June 15th, The Echo / Echoplex doesn't have something on their calendar until August 20th, Surfer Blood. The Moroccan Lounge has Jadu Heart listed for May, but I am somewhat doubtful of that as the band's Instagram has a post where they mention that their first show of 2021 will be August 27th. I'm sure schedules will start filling out as we get close to June 15th.

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