Sunday, April 18, 2021

New Music Alert: Vigil of War's "Spoon Fed"

I first came across Vigil of War in 2018. I loved their aggressive Sunset Strip style and listed them in my Top 15 Favorite New Bands that I came across that year. That aggressive style can be seen in this song "Spoon Fed." And one has to love those snarl vocals. The two guitarists go above the speed limits and the drummer sets the heart pulsating.

The video shows the masses hypnotized while watching what I assume is propaganda videos. 

Lyrics go as such, "Masses buy just what they're sold. A spoon fed crowd among us. The countless victims of the mold . . . If we can't bring the change, ignorance remains." 

So yes, the masses are hypnotized by the propaganda, but that doesn't mean we can't change all of that. 

photo taken at the Viper Room

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