Friday, December 25, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 75

I noticed an Instagram Stories from Lauren Lakis saying she was going to go on at 7 p.m. on a Sunday to play an Instgram Live set. She asked for song requests. I sent in a request for "Fear of God." She came on at 7 p.m. with red and blue lights flooding the screen, clashing in the center. There were Christmas lights twirled around the microphone stand. And she played sitting on the floor, her legs folded. 

Her guitar was her only backing instrument along with vocal reverb. There was a sorrowful, gothic take to her music. The electric guitar was played with somber tones. And then she hit "Fear of God" and the music shifted to a driving forcefulness. It really felt like I was watching her video with a full band sound and all the benefits of recording. Such a powerful song. After she ended the song she mentioned that whenever she plays that song her shoulders and neck tense up.

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